Urban redevelopment | Torgelow Drögeheide Wohnquartier

TDO © 2002 Sprenger

TDO © 2002 Sprenger

The Drögeheide residential quarter faced extensive housing and socio-political decisions. Multi-family houses mix unscaled with a structure of grown single-family houses. The urban development framework plan we developed formed the basis for the further development of the district. The measures taken include not only the redevelopment but also the deconstruction of excess capacity of the multi-storey buildings and the re-use with single-family houses.

This opens up the possibility for landscape architecture to restructure the outdoor space. The planning was implemented in three construction phases. The development rearranges the flowing and stationary traffic, front gardens and further building-related open spaces are created. An existing pine forest remnant becomes a boskett, in the communal residential courtyard infiltration areas absorb the roof water and promote the ecological microclimate. In this way, a specific urban space is created for the users, which makes the resources perceptible.

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Planning offices

Sprenger Landschaftsarchitekten

Project period
1998 - 2003


Stadt Torgelow - unter Beteiligung der Bewohner

17358 Torgelow

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Project type
Urban, open space development concepts
Public participation / moderation